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Canadian Registered Charity #85269-7440RR0001

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I Got To Visit With Willow!!

I was lucky enough yesterday to receive a kiss on the nose from my sweet Willow. I stopped by the store her mom works at to pick up some needed supplies and found out she was next door at the daycare. I quickly went over to visit. I was in a rush as I was late for work but it was wonderful to see her so happy and healthy. She was happy to see me which made me happy but I could see she was no longer my girl. She was happy to go back and do what she was doing, she wasn't upset she couldn't get to me, she was waiting for mom! I couldn't be happier!!!! She's such a lucky girl!!! She's now settled in at home and is attending obedience classes. She's as smart as a whip and is learning quickly. She loves going for rides with her mom in the van and is just soaking up all the love and attention that her owner can give her!

I just love happy endings! Especially when the story started out so sadly.

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