Hi Kerri,
Well we all just absolutely love them. They were incredibly hyper when they first arrived and would not listen at all so I was a little concerned. We were working in their new kennel (they seem to be comfortable in it its about ¼ acre fenced) and let them have a run to make sure they would come when they were called. They calmed down a bit and we took them out for a bit of fetch and to burn off some more energy. Izzy is a total little licker he just doesn’t stop it is so adorable. My 2 year old didn’t like it much at first as she is right at mouth height but he has learned to recognize her personal space. Marley is such a cutie and smart as a whip she reminds me a bit of Halley our female who passed. They are both great with the kids (don’t jump too much) and they try to be gentle (unless really excited). There has only been one accident in the house (the kids took the dogs downstairs and didn’t recognize that they needed to go out).
There was a bit of a spat between them in determination of pack heiarchy but it seems to be worked out now, Izzy appears to be the alpha dog. I have to get after him a bit thought as he will eat all of his food and then try to eat all of Marleys and she is not eating much yet. I think it is still an adjustment thing (she eats treats and small amounts of food 1-2 cups in a day and is drinking ok.)
Now that they have gotten the pent up plane ride energy out I can tell that they are both very eager to please. Especially Izzy he is just your typical loyal faithful best friend. Marley definitely has a bit of an independent streak and runs when you try to put her in the kennel or in the crate. They seem to be used to our routine up early (5 am) for bathroom and into the kennel for breakfast. Then out for an morning visit and afternoon play with the family in and out of the house. Into the crate or kennel for an hour when I bring the kids home from school and get dinner started. Then out side for an hour or so of leash work then inside for the rest of the evening with the family. They both appear to know their boundaries and where the toilet areas are but I would not trust them alone outside the kennel unless we were home. Marley is becoming a bit adventurous and definitely needs a bit more work on recall but she tends to follow Izzy so I̢۪m comfortable this will come. When I am outside both of them follow me around and Marley is stuck to me like glue (I think the rest of the family is jealous). Marley doesn̢۪t appear to trust men all that much she has definitely attached herself to me and is a bit skittish around my husband (perhaps a result of her previous owners)? I am a little concerned as Izzy still has the runs and Marley is constipated (I am using the Canidae food), I suspect it is still from the travel and separation anxiety. If it continues however I will be taking them into the vet and possibly trying another food.
I started teaching my son how to work with the dogs on leash last night and he just loves it. He started with Marley as he clearly stated she was his dog and I had Izzy. (Both of them will walk on leash but need to be reminded that work time is work time and play is play.) He was having a bit of trouble with Marley and I traded with him. Well Izzy was an absolute gentleman with him and heeled perfectly. Now my son says Izzy is his dog and couldn̢۪t stop talking about working with him. Even telling grandma and his teachers.
Neither of the dogs knows sit yet (or at least they won̢۪t for us without a leash and physical placement) but they are getting there with a little encouragement and praise and treats. Izzy is great with recall but Marley only likes to come if she sees some benefit for herself J. I have been keeping them in the crate at night and they don̢۪t really like this but we don̢۪t quite trust them with the furniture yet J. They are both little diggers, just like Halley was as a pup. I suspect that they may have had a bit of run of the house at one time both of them feel quite free to jump on the furniture, get into the garbage can and Marley insists that whatever is on the kitchen counter is of the utmost interest and must be explored by placing her feet on the counter for a good look.
Personality wise they are a good fit, Marley is the smart, quiet (non barker), sneak that wants to love everyone and be loved by everyone but is a little cautious and Izzy is the goofy, protective (barker but not excessive only when warranted), faithful love bug that will give you all the love he has unconditionally. They remind us of our previous dogs. Halley was a lot like Marley and Casper was just like Izzy.
All in all they are a great fit for our family and we are very happy. There is nothing that can̢۪t be corrected with a little time a little training and a lot of praise. I will send pics soon.
Charlene, Ed, Dylan, Brynn, Izzy and Marley