Hello Chantelle, Let's celebrate!! Were having a weight gaining party for Henry, he is now 50.4lbs. Our distinguished gentlemen is looking good, hip bones are starting to hide, tail wags are going and we are getting more bursts of energy. The kids are disappointed though because were not giving Henry some cake so tomorrow were making dog cookies. I have attached a photo of Henry camping out with Pyper in the living room. I hope all is well. From Catherine |

RESCUE A BOXER works diligently to find forever homes in Vancouver, BC AREA, for Boxer dogs in need of a second start. Since 2004 we have rescued and placed hundreds of amazing Boxer dogs. RAB is an organization of volunteers who are dedicated to finding loving forever homes for homeless Boxers and promoting responsible pet ownership. We work with other rescue groups, shelters, veterinarians and breeders to help achieve our goals.
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Canadian Registered Charity #85269-7440RR0001
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Henry Update (Sept. Run)
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