RESCUE A BOXER works diligently to find forever homes in Vancouver, BC AREA, for Boxer dogs in need of a second start. Since 2004 we have rescued and placed hundreds of amazing Boxer dogs. RAB is an organization of volunteers who are dedicated to finding loving forever homes for homeless Boxers and promoting responsible pet ownership. We work with other rescue groups, shelters, veterinarians and breeders to help achieve our goals.
Info Bar
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Miranda update (BRLA Alumni)
Billy Update (Oct. Placement)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Cash (BRLA's Tommy) update (adopted a few years ago)
Billy Update (Oct. Placement)
I will get Jackie to email you a couple of pictures she has taken!
Deborah |
Brody Update (WBBR Oct. placement)
Morning Kerri,
It's Wendy. I couldn't get into Larry's e mail so I'll send you one from mine. I just wanted to let you know what fun Brody had last night and how grateful we are to you guys for finding us the perfect mate for Pebbles, and our family. All they did ALL night was play. Twice we had to stop them to go out and dry pebbles off from the drool (they played so hard she was soaked!!!!) He is so good with absolutely everything and everyone. Brody loves to wrestle with Larry on the floor, it was SO cool. Matt (my son) took pics as they were wrestling so when he gets up I will get him to download off of the camera and send them to you this morning. There may even be a bit of video on the camera so I will get it to you today. I haven't heard a peep out if either one of them yet this morning which is weird because pebbles is normally up at 5 every morning. They were SO happy to got to bed last night which was about 9 because poor Brody was so tired and they both went right to sleep. I hope you don't mind if we send you up dates and you can pass them onto barb and Chantalle. We just got a new computer so it may take Matt some time to figure out how to send pics but weather it is before or after work we will figure it out today. Please apologize to barb for me not phoning her last night but I misplaced her phone number. Anyway I have a 16 year old to go and get out of bed (LOL) so I need to make some strong coffee and get going. How is Brody riding in a car? I will connect with you later and please let us know when you get the pics.
A million thank yous to all who helped Wendy
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Lievio Update
We're all very excited that our long time boxer boy Lievio has found his new forever home! Congrats Lievio and Paul!!!
Good Morning Chantelle,
He's been great, an absolute charm. He seems very comfortable and at
ease in his new surroundings. We spent the first hour this morning
walking the building perimeter and practicing (for me) his commands and
just communicating. After breakfast we will go for a long urban walk and
get more comfortable.
Thank you again for everything, not to worry Lievio's in good hands and
we'll keep in touch.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Update Dahli (BRLA's Rowan) & Diago (Scamper) (Oct. Run)
Hi, I wasn't sure whether or not you got the pictures I had sent the first week they were here. We're all adjusting, some better than others but we'll make it through. Dahli (Rowan) and Diago (Scamper) definitely have personality. I took Dahli on a hike last weekend with my daughter's rotti and shepard/rotti cross. It was two hours, one hour spent going straight up, at a high speed trying to keep up with my daughter, and the next hour wacking our way through the forest to find the trail down. It was a lot of fun, and I'm pretty sure a new experience for Dahli, but she adjusted quite well, a little intimidated initially but full of life.
Diago hasn't been getting along with other dogs, we actually had 2 full blown fights with my daughter's rotti Seth. The good news is Seth is so mellow he pretty much defended himself and then wanted to play some more. Diago is so sweet in most instances and gets along with smaller and younger dogs, but is ready to fight if the dog is the same size or bigger. I know we can work through this though and he starts Growl Classes tomorrow night. He is so good and listens in most instances, not to mention if he isn't leaning on me, I'm stepping on him because he is right there. It is really cute.
We've had them to the vet about 4 times, but they seem to be doing great now. Dahli really seemed to be struggling with an upper chest infection and Diago had his stitches taken out from his nuetering (sp?). Made sure all shots up to date and a general check up to see that they were getting over the KC. The vet could not get over how good they were.
Here are the pics again, I'll send some new ones once I download them off my camera.
Charmaine and Craig
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Zara (BRLA's Nipper) BRLA Alumni

Hi Chantelle, I just wanted to let you know how Nipper aka Zara is doing (as you could see we changed her name). She is really a great girl and we are so happy we got her into our lifes. We do not have to do much about her behavior because she is not that dominant as Tex is. We take her to our dog daycare every day where she has a lot of fun and exercises as well.Once she is tired she is nice litle girl ready to go home with us. Here are some pictures of her and Tex at home and some from the daycare. Best Regards, Branka |
Friday, October 17, 2008
Chica (BRLA's Cookie) Oct. Run Update
Sorry I didn't get to writing you sooner, Jennifer. Chica is doing great and is very much settled into our life here. She seems very happy with me and our routine. She doesn't like sitting still for pictures much but I got a few and one of her and I together from the first night. Another picture is of herbeginningto dig a hole in our yard; it has since grown considerably.
Chica has packed on the pounds since she got here. The foster mother in LA said that she weighed 18 pounds but she had dropped a few by the time she got here - I guess with all of the stress. Now she is more like 21 pounds even though she races around like crazy and has a good walk at least once a day.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A tribute to Millie

Tia Maria Update (Senior Placement WBBR)

Hi there,
Just to let you know that Tia is settling in well and it feels like she’s been here forever. Introductions to my other dogs and cats went well and all are getting along very well. She is super sweet and loves to cuddle on the couch. The closer she can snuggle with me on the couch, the happier she is.
She did bust out of a vari kennel on her 2nd day here. That would explain how all her teeth got broken in the past. A very determined old girl. So, I switched her to a wire crate (which I’ve reinforced with many clips) and she seems to like that better.
Tia still isn’t eating well (hardly eating at all). Her blood tests late last week showed some abnormalities and yesterday we did more blood tests for Addisons. Results should be available tomorrow some time.
I had my vet remove Tia’s skin tag yesterday.
Attached are some photos of Tia. Thank you so much for letting her come into my home. She’s a doll and has definitely stolen a piece of my heart!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Jax pics (WBBR/BRLA Sept Run)
Lucas and Layla Update (Sept. WBBR/BRLA Run)

Hi Jennifer
Part of our lives all year. They are really in Love with each other, which is the greatest part of the enjoyment, & Lilly has been running ( chasing each other ) Winston off his feet around the house. They are fun to watch, but when they ( Winston) has had enough, Winston just comes to us for protection from her constant need to play. They have both fallen nicely into OUR routine & we will send the next batch of PIX when we have some good ones.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Radcliff Update (Sept WBBR/BRLA adoption run)
Hi Sheri,
Sorry it has taken me so long to give you another update on Radcliff. I've sent a few pictures that Matt took a couple of weeks ago. I hope you can open the attachments....I'm not the best with a computer.
He is such fun!! What a good dog! I took him to the vet about a week and a half after we got him, just to be sure he was in good health and didn't need any other vaccinations, etc. He will need to be tested for heartworm in 6 months because he came from an area where it is common. Here, it's fleas, so I've got flea stuff for him. He is a good eater, has a great temperment, wants to please us, loves to play and go for walks. He has made friends with some of the neighboring dogs, but not with the cats. He just wants to chase them. We've discovered that bunnies make him crazy! He was on "Planet Bunny" when he saw them and there was NO communicating with him. He has gotten used to water ie: rain, puddles. He goes up and down stairs now, no problem. The other day Jake asked "Why is Radcliff so awsome?".
If ever you are in Nanaimo and would like to come over to see Radcliff, please give us a call. We'd love for you to meet him. He is great! Take care and thanks again for your help in getting Radcliff to us!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Mange - Demodectic in Dogs Author: Ernest Ward, DVM Mange is a parasitic skin disease caused by microscopic mites. What causes demodectic m...
New Dog to Resident Dog Integration You have decided to add another dog to your family. One very basic question is “Does your resident dog...
Here is a picture of Milo. Milo was one of the puppies WBBR had last summer who came to us with Demodex Mange. Its amazing to see how quickl...