A very sweet update from a special little man, Winston (formerly Neuro) had some neurological deficates from either trauma or ingestion. He got lots of help and lots of therapy and now he has the best medicine ever...a wonderful family. Winston is doing fantastic and is very, very loved. Here he is in a rare moment where he is still as this little guy is a whirl wind of playful energy. He is very loved.
Check out the tongue one (omg!) which I took before we left Bellingham Saturday afternoon, and two cuddle shots (one with our daughter). I wish there was a good way to capture the action shots with Winston and Sampson because those are the ones that will give you tears from laughing. Funniest thing ever - they grab each others hind legs and then spin in circles in sort of a "you let go first / no YOU let go first" game. And then when we say their names, they stop moving but don't let go of each others' legs... it's a hoot.
We've shot a bunch of video, someday I'll figure out how to post to Youtube. And the playing is sweeeeeet... nipping at each others' ears and jowls, Winston launching himself from the couch ("Wheeeee!") to land on Sampson who loves it and then when it's time, he puts his arm around Winston like, "Okay now, that's enough little dude."
And one more thing - yesterday it was time for our cat to explain his place to Winston, so there was a little hissing and Sampson (who loves our cat) went into total protection mode on Winston's side. Got right between them and just waited for the cat to do something, you could tell he was ready to intervene and protect his new little brother. Didn't have to, because our cat's not like that, he just made his statement and walked away, but Sammy was right there, and ready. We hadn't seen that before, it was pretty cool.
Anyway, that's it for the update. If you or Chantelle are ever down here and want to visit Winston and see how he's doing, you should give us a call. We'd be happy to have you over or meet up somewhere!
Take care,
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