Morning ladies -
SHHHHHH, don't tell my family, but I've snuck on the computer to send you all an email about my new home, family and friends. My teenagers are sleeping, mom is doing dishes and dad went to work so this is the perfect time for me to give you an update so you don't worry about me.
I guess it's been about 11 days now in my new home and I have settled in comfortably now. I was a bit nervous at first as I didn't quite know if I was staying here or if this was another foster home so I decided to stay fairly quiet, calm and listen to everything that was asked of me. After a couple of days, I figured out that I'm not going anywhere and that they love me very much, they tell me everyday and say that I am the BEST DOG EVER! I get lots of hugs, cuddles, good food, walks and have been given clear boundaries of what they expect of me. I have tried to sneak up on my teenagers beds while they are still asleep in the mornings but soon mom or dad figure out where I am and ask me to get down - I can't blame them really, I do take up a lot of space and waking a sleeping teenager is sometimes not a pretty sight. I can't help myself though as they are giving me so much love and attention that I feel I can push my boundaries a little and heck, I am only one years old! I go for walks twice a day and sometimes one of those walks is a run with my mom - she likes to feel safe with me by her side when she runs and after I sniff, pee and poop I run along side of her like the gentleman that I am and it's funny, but I feel safe when I'm with her too. We run for about 35 minutes but she tells me that she would like to work me up to about an hour, that seems like a long time to run, but she assures me that we will ease into it. My crate is called my "house" now and I sleep quietly all night in it in mom and dad's bedroom. I like to rest in my house sometimes during the day cause they bring it down to the TV room but my most favourite place to nap is in front of the sliding glass doors with the sunshine warming my back. I stretch out as long as I can and soak it all in...this is the life! I've met most of the family now and my favourites are the two little people (nieces aged 3 1/2 & 6) who think that I am the most bestiest dog ever. I let them walk me around the trees at their nana's house and listen very closely to what they want me to do. I know that I am strong enough to pull them where I want, but they are so good to me that all I want to do is to please them and keep them safe so I try super hard to follow their instructions. The oldest was asking me to stop, stay and then come as we walked so.....I did...and boy was my mom proud of me! I feel so good about my behaviour when I get praised after doing something right - can't get enough of those scratches behind my ears - love 'em. I met my new cousin who is a little white ball of fluff they call Maggie, she is a shitzusomething, I think. We met through a chain link fence as her owners felt that she may be frightened of my size - she doesn't have many friends in her neighborhood. After she finished barking at me as little dogs do, we sniffed and I wanted to play. Maggie still feels a bit overwhelmed so we will visit again with her next week and see if she is ready to play with me. I've gone to Grandma and Grandpa's house down by Piper's Lagoon as well and am quite fascinated by the 4 cats that live there. It's funny, but none of them want to play with me, in fact, one named Sloan comes after me and swats at me so I give him his space and try not to bother him. I am told that this will be my "daycare" for about 3 or 4 hours a day when everyone is at work or school. Gma and Gpa have a really big fenced back yard with lots of trees and grass for me to run and play - I think I'll like it there. Mom took me to meet the vet yesterday and she was very nice. She told mom that I am a very nice looking, gentle boxer but should put on a couple more pounds. The vet looked in my ears as I have been scratching them a bit and then put some stuff in them. The assistants cleaned my ears and gave mom some antibiotics as they think it is a yeast infection that has been there a while. It felt so good to have the drops put in my ears and have them rubbed - the vet assistants said that I am very well behaved and that they think I'm wonderful! Mom has to put the stuff in my ears for about 2 weeks and I don't mind at all, I like to be scratched and rubbed and loved up. After my family finished dinner last night we went to what I call "PLAY LAND" to visit two other boxers that used live at Boxer Rescue as well. This was so much fun. Tyson, Cash and I played for about an hour and a half steady, jumping, boxing, rolling, sniffing, and lots of running in their back yard - it was amazing. Mom cried when she saw me playing cause she wasn't sure how I'd play, she worries to much I think...she says she feels so good about my personality and is very proud of me! I was tired after all that playing but hope that we go back again soon - I heard mom talking with Tyson and Cash's mom and dad and they are planning on taking all of us for a run out at Westwood Lake on the weekend - I can't wait!
So....as you can see I am very happy here with my new family and friends and want to thank you ladies for finding them for me. This is the family that I am supposed to be with because they tell me that it is not a coincidence and that I was sent to them from someone named "Poppy" who lives up in heaven... I am told that Poppy, who died 8 years ago on September 11th, has the same birthday as me. I think I am the luckiest dog in the world to have such a loving caring family!
I have tried to attach a couple of pictures but not sure that I'm doing it right - I will get some help and send more along later.
There is a picture of me sleeping, me with Danika, me with Courtney and me with the two little ones and their mom that I adore so much.
Hope you all have a great day - I know I will as I'm heading off for a run soon and then I think I'll rest in the sun some more!
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