Hi Kerri,
Just wanted to thank you again and Boxers without Borders for blessing us with our newest family member, Boomer! He is exactly what we needed and so much more! Everyday we find out how perfect he is for us...he's such a happy and easy going guy. He's playful, lots of energy but when the time comes to chill, he hangs out on the couch usually sleeping on our laps and snoring/farting away lol
He's getting more and more comfortable with us, he eats a lot, poops a lot but no accidents inside the house :) (knock on wood) we have a big backyard where he runs around and plays until he's exhausted. He's had a chance to meet and play a bit with our neighbours golden lab puppy.
We will keep ya posted on his adventures and just want to thank you again for giving us a chance to take him in, give him a second chance in a home and love him to bits!
Talk to you soon!
Ry, Paula & Boomer
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