Dear Joni, Sheri, and Chantelle,
As we just passed the one year anniversary of Rainha coming to Canada I thought I'd take a moment to update you.
She has fully recovered from all physical ailments, and is becoming a confident, happy little boxer. She is very comfortable in our home, and when we're out on the boat she likes to sit on the captains seat next to Chris and put her head on his shoulder.
Her very best friend is our cat, and they play every morning. She has quite a few dog friends too, that we often meet for walks on the beach or nearby trails. Rainha and I go to the beach at least 3 times a week. She has many human friends as well. At Christmas she recieved so many gifts from our friends and neighbours. Once she understood that the gifts were for her, and that she could pull the wrapping paper off and play with the toy inside, I think she thought she was in heaven!
Last summer, we discovered that Rainha loves to swim. She is so good at it, that she outswam a golden lab last August!
She even learned to swim beside me at the lake, so she and I could go for little swims together. We also discovered that she likes to float around on a windsurfing board. Here is a pic of Rainha floating around on the windsurfing board. She loved it when we'd push the board between us and she was floating in the bay - shallow of course!
She and I are taking a non-competitive dog agility class starting next month. I think this will help her confidence. She knows exactly what to do and how to act at home, but sometimes isn't sure when we're out and about. I think this class will help. I have no doubt that she will get there eventually :)
She is so loving and well behaved, we couldn't have asked for a better friend. I had her in a pet store over the weekend and even strangers remarked on how well behaved and calm she was.
She is the love of our lives, and Chris and I are grateful to you all for helping get her to Canada. I believe she loves her new life here, as she is so happy and playful.
All the best to you all,
Anna, Chris, Rainha, and Kei Kei (the cat!)