Well it is that time of year again.... Here is an important reminder about Pets and the Holiday Season.
All of us at WBBR join in wishing you a Happy Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year!
Boxer Love to one and to All!
Taken From: CBC News Online December 10, 2004
Pets face added risks over the holiday period. Animals often chew on grass and plants inside the house and out. This time of year, seems someone's always coming over with a seasonal plant. And some of the plants used to add a festive flair to the home over the holidays can cause trouble. Among the plants your pets should stay away from:Holly. Can cause intense vomiting and diarrhea. Mental depression can also occur. Amaryllis. Ingestion can result in vomiting, diarrhea, depression, lack of appetite, tremors, drooling and abdominal pain. Mistletoe. Can cause significant vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, this plant has been associated with difficulty breathing, slowed heart rate, and collapse. Some pets – if they've eaten large quantities of it – have died. Some animals may show erratic behaviour and possible hallucinations. Poinsettia. This plant can cause irritation to the mouth and stomach and sometimes vomiting. It has a low level of toxicity and is overrated as a toxic plant. Many people consider it basically non-toxic. Christmas cactus. Harmless if only a small amount is eaten. But a danger to dogs if large quantities of this plant are ingested. Symptoms include vomiting, possibly with blood, diarrhea, possibly with blood, and mental depression. These plants are considered low toxicity plants.Christmas often means a lot of chocolate around the house. Nice treats for people – but bad news for your dog. Theobromine, an active ingredient found in chocolate, can be highly toxic. If your pet shows signs of illness such as vomiting or loss of appetite, contact your veterinarian immediately.More hazards for your petChristmas trees can be pulled over by climbing cats or curious dogs. Broken ornaments can cut paws/skin. Decorative lights are an electrocution hazard if the dog, cat, rabbit or other curious pet bites the wires. Table scraps and bones can cause severe gastrointestinal disorders, pancreatitis and blockages that require surgery to remove. People food for people, pet food for pets. Tinsel, ribbons or yarn, if swallowed, can require surgery to remove. They can cause the intestines to bunch up so that food cannot pass through properly. Burning candles can be a danger. Curious animals could burn themselves or knock candles over and cause a fire. Visitors can cause pets to feel anxious. Make sure your pet has a safe zone where it can go for quiet and privacy. Make sure exterior doors are properly closed so pets don't escape. Around the Christmas tree Pine needles can get lodged in an animal's throat, making it painful for your pet to swallow. Sure, Fido can slurp water from the toilet all day long with nary a hint of sickness. But drinking the water from the Christmas tree base can cause diarrhea, mouth sores, vomiting and loss of appetite. Cover your tree stand and distract your pet from tree temptations with toys and treats. Cats, in particular, may try to climb the tree. Either keep pets away from this area or secure the tree to the ceiling or wall.Around decorations Pets are attracted to flames and shiny decorations. When lighting candles, keep pets out of reach. Glass balls and ornaments can shatter in a pet's mouth and, if swallowed, could cause digestive problems or even be fatal. Pets can get tangled up in popcorn and cranberry strands causing a strangling hazard. With electrical lights, remember to tape exposed electrical cords to walls or floor to prevent your pet from chewing on them or tripping over them. Tinsel, gift-wrap and artificial snow can cause an upset stomach, even choking in your pet. Other items to keep out of reach Don't give alcohol to pets. You might think it's funny to watch Fluffy spinning around on the kitchen floor but any amount of booze is dangerous to your pet. Avoid toys with small parts or those made of soft materials that pets can chew up and swallow.