Sorry, we've been in Bend (we have no computer there). Buddy is doing great. He's gained weight 49 to 56 lbs. He knows sit, lay down, stay, back up, and heals great! He has three crates (2 in Milwaukie and 1 in Bend) and goes in them without any problem (he gets stuffed Kongs in them). We walk 2 to 3 times per day. We have play time with the neighbor dogs at both homes. I think he likes Bend the best because we have a huge fenced yard and a doggie door, so he can run out whenever he wants. We have a doggie door in Milwaukie, but the yard in small. I've attached a couple of pictures of him. He's very attached to my son, who is training for a triathalon and he's watching him swim.
We went to the first three classes and had to stop...it was not what we had been told and had a lot of dogs/owners. This might be good for a hearing dog, but not for our situation. Barry actual tripped over Buddy at the last class and ended up having knee surgery. We knew eventually he would need it, but this just made it happen sooner. Besides the site is out of business now.
Barry is out of town for a couple days- last night I found him looking out the front window w/5 of his toys lined up on the window seal waiting for him to drive up. He's really a smart dog.
We love Buddy!
Thanks for everything,
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