Hi Jennifer!
We are having so much fun with Paprika. I've attached a couple of pictures - my sister Lorna gave her this adorable party dress to wear for my birthday, and she was quite happy to wear it. This morning she decided that she would share the sofa with the cat (who was there first) and no growling, or hissing from Espresso - a breakthrough! Paprika is very respectful of the cats although now and again she can't figure out why they don't want to play with her.
Last week we took her to the beach at Ambleside and she had her first SWIM. She seemed a bit bewildered by the experience, but I am sure with more exposure,she will like to swim as much as she likes to wade.
She continues to learn and seems much more secure and confident. She will now accompany us in to different buildings without us having to drag her. This last month she has become much more playful and if she can't find her own toys (she doesn't look too hard sometimes) she will find something of ours that looks like it might be fun.
She is sweet, and affectionate and oh so cute and funny! She has the whole "poor me" routine down to perfection.
I hope all is well with you. Thanks again for the work you do. We appreciate it so very,very much!!!