Hi Jennifer!
We are doing great! We think Papi has turned a corner....he has been the most amazing, loving dog since the last "incident". He spent 3 days with our Golden at a farm while we went away, and the lady that looked after him thought he was amazing. He has not shown the slightest sign of aggression, and has bonded with Barry big time! We continue to be strict on his bedtime, crate time, and working for everything he gets. We are also careful not to "raise our voices", and keep the tone in the house calm. However, we "call" to each other now, and he no longer reacts. Also, we have noticed that when he is relaxing and we touch him, he no longer flinches. So, things seem to be improving alot.
*Papi was adopted in November 2008. Papi is a great loving dog that just needed a committed family who would love him and provide him with the necessary training and obedience to live a happy and balanced life. Good work guys!*