Hi Kerri
Things are going great. Nala is growning like a weed, she's all legs and feet. Aramis and her get along great, they're new best friends. She's great at work, she loves to meet and greet all the clients and their puppies. And is very well mannered. The only time she makes a sound, is when she needs to go out to the bathroom, other than that, she's as quite as a mouse. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday she gets to go to the back and spend the afternoon with our accountant and her dog Bugg, he's a Boston Terrier. The boys love her, they come to all of her Puppy classes, and are very eager to help with the training. She's the youngest and smallest in her class, but she can really hold her own. Everyone can't believe how smart she is, and how quick she picks things up, I personally think that she's the brightest in the class. Grandma & Grandpa have fallen in love with her as well, She has Grandpa totally wrapped around her little paw. Even with her growing so much, he still lets her snuggle up on his lap. On another note, I wanted to let you know that I put in a application to be a Foster Parent. I cant't help but falling in love with all of them, and would love to help out in any way I can. Please let me know. Talk to ya soon
Love Nala Aramis Cout and the Boys :)