Hi Jen,
That's so funny, I was thinking of emailing you earlier. Bella is doing very well! She is sleeping on my couch as I write this. We've taken her to Petsmart and Home Depot where she was a hit with everyone. She is very social and loves meeting new people. The kids at Mackenzie's school just love her and fawn all over when she's there. She gets little spurts of energy and she'll run around the yard a few times but other than that she is very content to just lay around and be with us. She doesn't fetch a ball or chase things and she hasn't figured out how to get the meat out of her kong but other than that she is perfect. She sleeps in her bed at night and in the morning we find her on the couch, lol. We're going to Comox this weekend to visit friends. They have a puggle and sheep so it will be interesting t f the sheep. She is settling in just fine. Here are some more pictures. Have a good night and enjoy:)