Hi Jennifer,
I am working from home this afternoon and Paprika is being a good girl, chewing on toy. She is such a sweetheart, and a real favourite with the other dog owners down at the dog park, because she plays nicely and helps tire out the other dogs and puppies. She is getting more respectful of the cats, and I am sure in a few months they will be, if not buddies, then at least they will not be as cautious with each other. Here are a couple of recent shots. We have completed the first round of obedience classes, and have another handful that we will sign up for.
A couple of questions for you;
Do you have any good tips for getting her to stop jumping up to greet people at the dog park? Unfortunately her friends she her and they call her excitedly, so of course, she bounces up with hugs and kisses. Will she out grow this? I always call for her to stay down so the other owners know not to encourage her, but it’s equally hard to train the people!!
Do they at some point stop using their paws in play – I am concerned with her pawing at small, small dogs, as I am afraid she might hurt them.
Do your dogs shred their bedding? If so, have you found an indestructible solution?
She loves water, which surprises me…goes running in to the river, likes a shower when she comes home to warm up - is that typical?
We’ve had a great month, she was at the “spa” last week for a bath…I had her in my car with me all day and she was stinky and I wanted a couple of hours to myself, so I thought, what a plan, take her in for a bath – it’s a daycare with clean! She was an angel for them and again, everyone loves her. I think, too, that the more we can take her places, leave her for a short time and then come back she will become more secure in the knowledge that we will not be leaving her and not returning.
I’m off for a couple of weeks starting Friday and am going to slowly transition her to a raw diet…have to refresh my memory on some of the not good things. I know onion can cause anemia, chocolate is toxic…but I think there might be a couple of other things that should be avoided (junk food of course…)
Sorry Jennifer, guess there are quite a few questions in there…have a wonderful Easter weekend.
Best regards
P.S. I forgot to say – Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! We really, truly appreciate you and the other WBBR volunteers.