RESCUE A BOXER works diligently to find forever homes in Vancouver, BC AREA, for Boxer dogs in need of a second start. Since 2004 we have rescued and placed hundreds of amazing Boxer dogs. RAB is an organization of volunteers who are dedicated to finding loving forever homes for homeless Boxers and promoting responsible pet ownership. We work with other rescue groups, shelters, veterinarians and breeders to help achieve our goals.
Well I thought I would share an update on the life of Sydney, please share with all involved in his rescue.
When I picked Sydney up from the airport I found a little man that seemed afraid of the world. He did not know not to use the indoors as a toilet, he had no idea what a truck/car ride was. He flinched when you touched him (some of these could be from the scare of the flight).
The first day was a lot of ‘new things’ for the both of us. He did not trust yet, understandable, however there was this amazing man underneath the battle scared exterior...
When we went on our first walks around the duck pond he would be right beside me almost kissing my legs. The more walks the further he would trust to go from me and the stronger his body got. He now runs like a lopeing giant. He has such long legs...he looks like a Great Dane or something running.
Frija, my first Boxer, has taught him to swim (well he did not exactly think it was a good idea but he followed her and she took off and...well,,,he found out that water is not just to drink. He got out with my help.
Sydney has learned his ‘horsie skills’ quite quickly. His first one came when he thought that horse play with Frija was the same as it was with a horse! He was playing at grabbing Frija’s legs and then looked up at the horses leg, I did not have a strong hold on him, and he got bumped a bit and scared himself getting caught in the horses legs. The next was just walking beside my horse who wings his feet out and as my horse walked by Sydney he had a brush with a hoof. He is now perfectly fine with the horses and even helps me at the barn around $100,000 horses!
Now Sydney is snoring under my housecoat on his big fluffy doggy bed (has to keep up the appearance of a spoiled dog!).
Sydney is an amazing dog. I have to thank you all that brought him into my life. He has been a blessing from whomever brought him into my life. He has already helped me through another suicide attempt. With him and Frija watching out for me, how could I not be loved.
Oh so you all know, he is already filling out. He has a little meat over his ribs and when he does his ‘C’ dance he has fat rolls! He definitely loves eating!