Adoption Announcement

RESCUE A BOXER works diligently to find forever homes in Vancouver, BC AREA, for Boxer dogs in need of a second start. Since 2004 we have rescued and placed hundreds of amazing Boxer dogs. RAB is an organization of volunteers who are dedicated to finding loving forever homes for homeless Boxers and promoting responsible pet ownership. We work with other rescue groups, shelters, veterinarians and breeders to help achieve our goals.
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Thursday, December 30, 2021
Adoption Announcement - Pepper
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Merry Christmas Charlie's Pet Food Bank
Today was Christmas @ Charlie’s Pet Food Bank supporting the residents of the downtown east side. RAB once again was a huge support making sure pups were warm this winter with some good food in their bellies! Merry Christmas to everyone that helped make this happen. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
We’d like to congratulate Will on being adopted into the Pellicano family. He’s the perfect fit for this active family.
We love you kiddo, have the best life 💕
Mange - Demodectic in Dogs Author: Ernest Ward, DVM Mange is a parasitic skin disease caused by microscopic mites. What causes demodectic m...
New Dog to Resident Dog Integration You have decided to add another dog to your family. One very basic question is “Does your resident dog...
Here is a picture of Milo. Milo was one of the puppies WBBR had last summer who came to us with Demodex Mange. Its amazing to see how quickl...