Hi Coralee,
We adopted Dexter (previously known as Jacob) from WBBR last May. He turned two just this past February. I just wanted to give you an update of how incredible he is! Attached is one of the very few photos we can get of him looking serious (I had my wedding photographer take it last april when he was at my parent’s house with us!)
Dexter is doing so amazingly well; everywhere we go, people exclaim over how beautiful, calm, and friendly he is! He absolutely loves dog parks, Ambleside in West Van. Particularly, because he can swim in the ocean there, and chase crows and seagulls to his heart’s content! Believe it or not, he is one of the few boxers who actually swim! Even on the coldest days he loves to chase ducks in the ocean, when no other dogs will even swim!
On Mondays Dex and I go to Paws Ahead agility classes in Burnaby; he is the top of his class! We initially did a set of obedience classes, and after working with him on our own, we began agility classes last November or so. Dexter picks up on new things very quickly; I think his favourite parts are the tunnels and jumps, although he does very well on the teeter-totter, which is hard for most dogs! He has so much confidence; it doesn’t phase him to slide or fall off anything, which really helps in agility! I’m hoping to go in a few beginners competitions with him in the spring/summer!
In terms of cat friendliness; whereas he once had great fun chasing our poor white cat, he now adores him! Each day he’ll run up to the sleeping cat, stick his big muzzle in the cats fur, and inhale deeply, as if checking his scent! Luckily the cat puts up with this, or else walks away if the dog gets over-excited! But they eat side by side, and although it took a number of months to achieve this, they get along great now!
Anyways, overall he is an amazing dog, and we couldn’t be happier! Each day, I drive Dex over from Port Coquitlam to my parent’s place in Fraser Heights, Surrey, where he spends my work day with one of my brothers and parents. Most days he is taken to dog parks, or goes for hikes. After work I swing by, pick him up, and bring him back to our place for the evening. On weekends, we dog-share as well; he spends half the weekend with us, half with my parents! It is a great arrangement for him; he is unfailingly excited to both get to my parents, and to my place, and gets the most exercise of any dog!
Anyways, I hope all is going well with you and your beautiful girl boxer! She must be a gorgeous young girl by now!
Talk to you later!
Kristina Morrison (previously Haworth)