Izzy, Izzadora, Dizzy, Izzatore, whatever name she really likes to respond to has become a "doggy-daycare" addict after our last older girl Eden died just before her ninth birthday.
Izzadora is going to learn a bit more before we get her a new pup to accompany her everywhere, and she accompanies us everywhere in our big 4 x 4 on the back seat now, no luggage compartment for this princess !!!!!
She is just like we were told, an "it's all about ME" dog, and she shows us that attitude everyday. She even faced down my nephews boisterous pit/cross, but he is a lot more energetic than her.
Still slight for a boxer, but runs like a greyhound, and has started bulking up with the special "Boxer 26" diet. She loves it, and seems better than even the best lamb and rice for her digestion. Has a few allergies as she gets acclimatized to the spring flowers and trees (its her first real exposure), but has declining symptoms that will show she is developing immunity.
"Rescue angels", please feel free to share these pictures with the previous owner if she would like to see what a treasure she sent us.
Stephen and Teresa