Pinkey is doing wonderful in his recovery. He just finished a week of antibiotics to help treat a secondary skin infection. These infections can be quite common with mange. He has all his puppy energy and loves to run around and play with the other dogs in the house. He is doing great in his crate and is working on housebreaking. Pinkey has a fine coat of white peach fuzz all over his body. In the beginning you had to look closely to see it but already in such a short time you can almost see it when just glancing at him. He is such a good boy and as you can see in the picture is very compliant. He loves his oatmeal soaks, I'm sure it feels really good on his itchy skin. We will be off to the vet next week for a progress check.

RESCUE A BOXER works diligently to find forever homes in Vancouver, BC AREA, for Boxer dogs in need of a second start. Since 2004 we have rescued and placed hundreds of amazing Boxer dogs. RAB is an organization of volunteers who are dedicated to finding loving forever homes for homeless Boxers and promoting responsible pet ownership. We work with other rescue groups, shelters, veterinarians and breeders to help achieve our goals.
Info Bar
Friday, May 9, 2008
Pinkey Update
Pinkey is doing wonderful in his recovery. He just finished a week of antibiotics to help treat a secondary skin infection. These infections can be quite common with mange. He has all his puppy energy and loves to run around and play with the other dogs in the house. He is doing great in his crate and is working on housebreaking. Pinkey has a fine coat of white peach fuzz all over his body. In the beginning you had to look closely to see it but already in such a short time you can almost see it when just glancing at him. He is such a good boy and as you can see in the picture is very compliant. He loves his oatmeal soaks, I'm sure it feels really good on his itchy skin. We will be off to the vet next week for a progress check.
Molly (BRLA's Sasha) Update
asha (we've changed her name to Molly) is doing fine. She responds to her new name quickly and is very smart. The first day we got her she was quite thin, and had kennel cough. I contacted the vet the next day, but could not get in till Chantelle got back from LA. Apparently her meds must have fallen out of her file so we didn't have any to give her until Thursday when Chantelle dropped them off to the vet. She is now over the kennel cough and is very active. She loves running around the yard. At this moment she is sitting beside Danny watching TV. She's very funny as well, the second day we got her she was in the family room, I had a delivery at the door and left her for about 10 minutes, when I returned she was on the couch curled on my pillow and watching TV..... eyes wide open!
Up until today she knew only to shake a paw. This evening we taught her to sit! That was exciting.
We noticed that since we got her she has not barked once.... which is good for the neighbours. She loves to play and has made friends with the mailman (who feeds her dog biscuits when he sees her). Yesterday he even commented that she has gained weight!. When we got her she was 44 lbs , today we weighed her and she is now almost 50 lbs. When we got her the first week I was feeding her 4x a day (small portions) (I took a week off work). Now she gets fed twice a day, morning and at dinner time. She is breaking into the routine well.
We also found out that she wasn't housebroken. The second day she had an accident on the carpet. She tries hard to please us and rather doing her business on the concrete she is now doing it on the grass.
She is very mischevous as well and seems to dislike anything plastic, ie: plastic bags - she finds one and ripps it up.
Another thing we discovered was that she wouldn't go outside once she was inside the house. She would only go out if she had a leash on her. No amount of bribing would coax her.
All in all I think she has adjusted very well with what has happened in her life in the past few months. She is now part of our family and we have taken her on car rides and have shown her to family and friends - they all think she is a beautiful dog.
Thank you and Chantelle for all the work you do in rescuing boxers like Molly. Let me know when you are in the neighbourhood so you can drop by for a visit.
Karen & Danny
Monday, May 5, 2008
Conky (BRLA's Charlotte) Update
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Chandler's Cast
Mange - Demodectic in Dogs Author: Ernest Ward, DVM Mange is a parasitic skin disease caused by microscopic mites. What causes demodectic m...
New Dog to Resident Dog Integration You have decided to add another dog to your family. One very basic question is “Does your resident dog...
Here is a picture of Milo. Milo was one of the puppies WBBR had last summer who came to us with Demodex Mange. Its amazing to see how quickl...