For all of you that joined us at Pub Night last night, THANK YOU. Although it is wonderful to be recognized, I was shocked into being speechless (which is a rare occurrence, I can assure you). Allan and I do not feel we do any more than any of the other volunteers. Since we don’t go to the Shelter, we just try to provide some back up and support for Chantelle, Jennifer and Kerri, ( and of course, Joni & Susan) who do the really important work; choosing and bringing the rescue babies back to their forever homes.It is rare to see a core group of volunteers stay together for 6 years and still love and respect one another and that is because everyone keeps their eye on the prize, which is getting the dogs out of the shelter and into forever homes. They are the ones that should be recognized, for keeping their focus and being so good at what they do.We have had 16 Boxers through the years, 14 of which were/are rescues and each has either taught us a valuable lesson or reinforced onethat may have been forgotten in the rush of day to day life. We feel very fortunate to be able to have our dogs who give us so much more that we could ever give them, and to be able to work with WBBR, and be part of the WBBR Family.To each of you that has opened your hearts and your homes to one or more of our rescue babies, a HUGE THANK YOU. You are our inspiration and the reason we are able to do what we do.
Barb & Allan
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